Category: Clothing & Apparel

  • From a couch to running the 5k

    From a couch to running the 5k

    A great goal! A Couch to 5K plan is a fantastic way to get started with running. Here’s a general 8-week plan to help you get started:   *Week 1-2: Walking and Running*   – Start with 30 minutes of walking, 3 times a week – Incorporate 1-2 minutes of running into your walks, followed…

  • Tips for never being late

    Tips for never being late

    Being on time is a valuable skill that can improve your reputation, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Here are some tips for never being late: 1. *Set your clocks 10-15 minutes fast*: This will give you a buffer against unexpected delays and help you build a habit of arriving early. 2. *Plan your day the…